Theatre is probably the only art form that appeals to each and every one of us in some form or the other. BVPCSI organized The Manchkrit Challenge inviting theatre groups to capture the imagination and wow the audience.

Nukad Natak or street plays have a rich heritage as goes back to the Grecko-Roman Era cultivating geniuses over the period like Socrates and Shakespeare.

Street Plays are an effective way to deliver ideas, stories, and agendas to a limited audience and get instant feedback on the art form.

They not only act as an essential exercise for theater actors but also claim to discover hidden talents. It was a source of providing information to people when there were no sources of providing information like television, radio etc. Nowadays, nukkadnatak is used to convey a message to the crowd watching it. Nukkad Natak is considered to be the rawest form of acting, because one does not have a microphone or loud speakers.

BVPCSI organized the Manchkrit Challenge inviting theater groups and clubs to awe the crowd with their brilliant performances.

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Exposing yourself to various cultures is vital towards personal growth.