We all may not be as fortunate as the Ambani’s or as unfortunate as to those living in slums, but still wish to be as generous as the rich and feel empathy towards the poor.
Donation can bring us the joy that we seek and to those who are in need of them. It is not just a way to contribute to the society but is also a way to inculcate a sense of belonging and responsibility towards the society.
After all, Man is THE Social Animal. SSS in association with BVPCSI organized a donation drive asking students and faculties to donate clothes, books and footwear.
These donations were then donated in the slums of the Jungpura bringing joy amounting to the festival celebration of Diwali and sheer excitement of getting new clothes.
Nothing feels more satisfying than an affirming smile and chuckle.
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” – Mahatma Gandhi.